Southerland Reflects On Two Years of Failed Stimulus Spending


Date: Feb. 17, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Steve Southerland, II today issued the following statement marking the second anniversary of the Democrats' failed stimulus spending law:

"Two years ago, President Obama promised that the massive $787 billion "stimulus' giveaway would spur economic growth and create millions of new private sector jobs. However, this spending barrage has only bloated the deficit, while the 16 counties that comprise Florida's Second Congressional District have seen their unemployment rolls skyrocket by 10,000 during the last two years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.

"Rather than change course, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have chosen this week to double down on bad fiscal policy. As the President attempts to defend his FY2012 budget proposal, which includes $3.8 trillion in new spending and a $1.6 trillion deficit for the upcoming fiscal year, House Democrats are fighting to derail responsible cuts in spending. They just don't get it.

"The hardworking men and women of North and Northwest Florida have entrusted me to come to Washington to cut spending, shrink the size of government and make conditions right for economic growth and job creation. I have helped lead efforts to cut $100 billion in spending this year as a down payment to the American people. As families and small businesses across the Second District fight to do more with less, it is time for Congress to do the same."
