Health Savings Accounts

Date: March 10, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -- (House of Representatives - March 10, 2004)

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. Pearce) is
recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise this evening to discuss the inclusion of health savings account in the Medicare legislation. It is one of the most exciting provisions to business owners in my district.

Health savings accounts are going to change the way that our country looks at health care. It is going to change the way that our companies buy health care. Basically a health savings account is simply an IRA. It is a medical IRA. It is a medical IRA where we are allowed to put money in tax free at any age up to $5,500 a year. An employer or the plea can make the contribution.

The nice thing about the health savings account is that it can be taken out at any age if it is used for medical purposes.
So unlike other IRAs which have to be deducted or taken out of the savings accounts after you are 62 ½ , health savings accounts can be taken out now at any age. It can be used to pay for premiums, deductibles, co-pays, prescription drugs, medical supplies or any medical treatments.

The value of this is, Mr. Speaker, that we are going to get to about 30 percent more buying power with our dollar because we make tax free contributions into the plan and we can take tax free contributions out if we pay for legitimate medical expenses.

The nice thing also is that it becomes a part of your estate. It travels with you. It is a thing that will go to the next generation if you do not use it. And so it is a way for you to prepare for your medical expenses, but if you do not use the account, then it becomes a way for your children to pay for their medical expenses.

I think that the example of my company is a very good one, Mr. Speaker. We used to have a company with 50 employees. Almost every year we gave bonuses to employees. I would tell you that if we still owned the business, that we would begin to pay those bonuses sometimes 2, 3, 4, and $5,000 a year into the health savings account. That way we could begin to have the employees use tax free money to pay for their premiums in the program, and if they used the medical services to pay for their deductible, so with tax free money.

Now, if I am paying $5,000 a year into an account for every employee, 2 or 3 years down the road, each employee would probably have 10 to $15,000 in their medical savings account, their health savings accounts. At that point, I would begin to shop for $5,000 deductible rather than $500 deductible. The resulting collapse in premiums is something that I will guarantee will be attractive to every single small business owner in America and most large businesses. Each employee is going to want to look at this as a way to begin to prepare for their medical future.

The important aspect of the health savings account is that after we establish these large accounts to be used for medical purposes for our employees, and they know it is a part of their estate, they will begin to look at their medical decisions with regard to the amount of money that is coming out of their health savings account. It is one of the things that we think will depress the demands, the arbitrary demand that sometimes goes along with medical decisions today.

We think that the health savings accounts is one of the most important pieces of legislation passed during the past year.
When employers in my district hear about it, they call our office and begin to ask can they buy that now.

Most insurance companies will begin to have plans this year. Most are saying to me that they will have the plans up and running by the mid-year June of 2004. I think that in the future years, as employers and employees alike begin to combine their efforts into the health savings account, we are going to find real changes in the way that medical care is paid for in this country, and that is the beginning point of most of the reforms that are going to make medical insurance available and affordable to all Americans.

Mr. Speaker, I salute this House in passing the prescription drug bill with the Medicare reforms that included the Health Savings Account.
