Issue Position: Iraq and Afghanistan - Torture

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

I am strongly opposed to the use of torture on prisoners, in any situation, and by any agent. Torture is sometimes used by a captor in order to extract information from the prisoner. Such information is very unreliable, as the prisoner may say anything in order to make the torture stop. Serious allegations have been made that the United States has used a torture tactic known as "waterboarding," or pouring water over a prisoner's face to induce fear of suffocation. Additional allegations have been made that the U.S. has used secret prisons, combined with a technique known as "extraordinary rendition" to transfer suspects to nations where torture is practiced. Some have dubbed this practice "outsourcing torture." Our laws are clear: Americans are prohibited from engaging in torture of prisoners. These practices are grossly inhumane and are in direct contradiction with basic human rights.
