Issue Position: Environment and Energy - Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As our current energy situation highlights, we, are too dependent on oil. Our reliance on foreign oil poses a threat to our economy, our environment and our national security. Since 2001, America's dependence on foreign oil has increased from 56% to 65% and gas prices have more than doubled. Now more than ever, America needs to go in a new direction by supporting alternative energy sources and energy efficiency.

During my tenure in Congress, I have supported efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil with responsible energy independence proposals. I have supported the development of renewable and sustainable energy sources, such as biofuels, fusion, solar and wind power. We must move away from the failed policies of the past -- the expansion of offshore drilling and drilling in environmentally sensitive lands. Instead, we must focus on new and innovative approaches. With this in mind, Silicon Valley will continue to play a key role in producing the new technologies that are needed to help move our country forward.

I support President Obama's ambitious New Energy for America plan and pledge to work with the White House in making it a reality. This plan is another step in giving the American people a more affordable, energy efficient, cleaner, greener future.
