Issue Position: Transportation - Cleveland Interoperability Communications System

Issue Position

Cleveland Interoperability Communications System

Congressman Kucinich secured $893,000 for the Cleveland Interoperability Communications System in the FY08 Commerce, Justice and Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill. The Cleveland Interoperability Communications System funding is for the city of Cleveland. The money will be used to implement a countywide communication system. Public safety and homeland security depend on the ability of first responders to communicate efficiently with each other.

Because of Cuyahoga County's size, interoperability remains a tremendous challenge for the region: the County features dozens of law enforcement agencies, fire departments, transportation systems and medical facilities, which collectively use more than 47 different radio systems. Due to limitations in technology, communication between different radio frequencies and even between different radio models remains difficult or impossible without systemic upgrades. The funds will assist the City of Cleveland -- working together with Cuyahoga County -- in its initial build out of the infrastructure needed to obtain interoperability. Such required infrastructure improvements include erecting steel towers to house antenna units; installing microwaves, repeaters, and channel banks; and purchasing zone controllers, dispatching equipment and end-user radios.
