Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Votes for Repeal of Health Care Law


Date: Jan. 19, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Roscoe Bartlett today voted for H.R. 2 to repeal the health care law. He released the following statement.

"I voted against the health care bill last year because my constituents overwhelmingly opposed it. President Obama and the Congressional Democratic majority rammed through this bill even though they had known for months that the bill was opposed by voters 70 percent to 30 percent. I studied this law carefully when it was a bill. I reviewed independent analyses that it would raise the costs of health care and health insurance, lower the quality of health care for Americans, increase the federal budget deficit, further endanger Medicare and worsen the burden on our states and the health care for lower income people through Medicaid.

"I am very pleased that the new Republican House majority has responded to the will of the voters and provided the opportunity for me to vote to repeal this disastrous law. I am more pleased that the new Republican House majority approved a resolution instructing the Committees of the House to proceed to replace this law with reforms that will improve the quality of health care, reduce the costs of health insurance and reverse the health law's implementation that will otherwise take more decisions about health care out of the control of patients and their doctors and transfer authority over these personal decisions to government bureaucrats."
