Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

All Americans must have access to high-quality and affordable health care. I am proud of my efforts to expand health coverage to children, working families, small businesses, and the self-employed. I am also committed to improving patient protections, expanding coverage of specialized care such as mental health services, and maintaining federal support for medical research through initiatives at the National Institutes of Health and the exploration of stem cells.

Crowley Working to Provide Affordable Health Coverage to all Americans

* Worked from his position on the Ways and Means Committee to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) to an additional 10 million low-income children in need of health coverage.

* Supporter of legislation to provide small business owners and the self-employed with a 50 percent tax credit to purchase insurance, as well as create permanent state and national multi-insurer pools -- allowing small businesses and the self-employed to band together to negotiate contracts with insurers.
* Fought to increase Federal funding for the New York State Medicaid program.
* After September 11th, worked to establish a health monitoring system and secure health benefits for all Ground Zero workers.
* Cosponsored and helped get legislation enacted in 2008 requiring Medicare to cover mental health services just as it covers any other service.
* Supports imposing new regulations on health insurers that would prohibit them from denying a patient care because of a pre-existing condition.

Crowley on Expanding our Medical Workforce

* Leader of efforts to increase funds for programs that recruit and train minority health professionals, such as the Centers of Excellence and Health Centers of Opportunity Programs.
* Successfully pressured the Bush Administration to keep many of these health profession centers operating, including the center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx.
* Co-sponsor of legislation to help address the physician shortage in the United States.
* Supported numerous efforts to educate and train more qualified nurses to enter the medical field.

Crowley on Improving Medicare and Access to Prescription Drugs

* Voted for the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, which makes sure that seniors have access to both affordable care and the doctor of their choice; enhances Medicare preventive and mental health benefits; and improves and extends programs for low-income Medicare beneficiaries.
* Author of a proposal to save money for low-income seniors struggling to pay for life-saving medications by putting a 2.5 percent annual cap on out-of-pocket expenses they incur under the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.
* Strong supporter of repealing the current provision that prohibits the Secretary of Health and Human Services from negotiating with drug companies for lower prices for those enrolled in Medicare prescription drug plans.

Crowley on Establishing a 21st Century Health Care System

* Working to implement a nationwide electronic medical records system. Increased usage of health information technologies can reduce the number of medical errors -- allowing doctors to better track treatments, medications, and lab tests.
* Fighting to reduce healthcare costs through health information technology by saving time and reducing unnecessary duplications, as well as ensuring privacy of medical records.

Crowley Keeping Hospitals Operating in the Bronx and Queens

* Working to keep Westchester Square Hospital in the Bronx open and running so it can continue serving the surrounding communities.
* Supported legislation to prevent certain cuts to hospital outpatient services from going into effect.
* Strong supporter of community health centers, which serve 17 million uninsured and underinsured people each year, and led effort to mandate translation services at community health centers for limited English-speakers.

Crowley Supports Advancements in Medical Research

* Voted to increase investment in the National Institutes of Health so our scientists can continue to find new and improved treatments for cancers, diabetes and other diseases.
* Supporter of federally-funded stem cell research, which has the potential to help find cures for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injuries and other debilitating diseases and disorders.
* Introduced the Oncology Care Quality Improvement Act to improve the quality of care given to patients battling certain cancers.
* Received in 2008 the prestigious Cancer Care Leadership Award from U.S. Oncology for his work on improving the lives of people suffering with cancer.

Crowley on Keeping Women Healthy and Safe

* Spearheaded charge to correct a legislative mistake that cut off safety-net and university health clinics' ability to acquire low-cost contraceptives for their patients.
* Leading supporter of increasing federal support for the Title X Family Planning Program, which provides women with access to basic health care services, such as HIV and STD screenings, vaccinations, and contraceptives.
* In 2008, received the Voice for Choice Award for his efforts to keep women healthy.
* Cosponsored and worked to pass legislation that would increase grants going to find a cure for breast cancer.
