Norton Asks Members to Live By Giffords' Words and Courage


Date: Jan. 12, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) spoke today on the House floor in tribute to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and her constituents who died or were injured in Tucson last Saturday. The Congresswoman's remarks follow:

"A gunman has underestimated the will and undaunted bravery of Gabby Giffords. Tragically, we have lost Gabe Zimmerman, her director of community outreach her constituents, Judge John Roll, Christina Taylor Green, Phyllis Schneck, Dorris Stoddard and Dorothy Morris, all of whom were engaged in the very civic activities the House most encourages, along with thirteen others who were injured, including Congresswoman Giffords. Together, these Americans have brought this House together as never before for a much needed time of reflection. I am heartbroken for all who were in the line of fire and for their families. I focus on Gabby now because I cannot get her out of my consciousness. I am trying to understand her prescient fearlessness in the days before the attempt on her life for what has happened to civility in our country rather than for her own safety. Can Gabby's selfless concern for our country give us the fortitude to follow her example in assuming that it is not the safety of members that is at risk? Do we dare to follow Gabby in her search for ways to be at once resolute and respectful? Remarkable courage and determination have now made Gabrielle Giffords the living manifestation of what the members of this institution and the citizens of our great country want to be. May Gabby Giffords' words prove as contagious as her courage."
