The Orange County Register - On Public Rhetoric in the Public Square


By: Ed Royce
By: Ed Royce
Date: Jan. 16, 2011

By Representative Ed Royce

First Amendment attacks

-ED ROYCE, Republican congressman representing Fullerton and other parts of North Orange CountyBy politicizing Jared L. Loughner, letter-writer Beth Krom can launch into a harangue against the media, specifically "conservative" media ["Arizona shooter's anger inflamed by rhetoric, Jan. 11]. It is sensationalized, inaccurate and profit-driven, she writes. Never mind that the "mainstream" media outlets routinely spew vitriol on conservatives. Worse, Krom hints at firm government control of the media.

In the aftermath, the third-ranking Democrat in the House has called for bringing back the so-called, "Fairness Doctrine." Until abolished in the late 1980s, the Federal Communications Commission required broadcasters to report all sides to issues. Since it was so difficult to ensure this balance and with fear of lawsuits, broadcasters simply dropped controversial subjects. It wasn't "fair" -- it chilled debate.

Free speech, to survive, requires responsibility, as Krom argues. We should check ourselves. But I don't recognize the "bully tactics and mob mentality" in America that she does. The remedy of state-controlled media is far worse than the media's shortcomings.
