Expressing Sense of House Regarding Arizona Shooting

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 12, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HALL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak in support of my friend and colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, who four days ago was the target of a malicious, senseless attack in Tucson, Arizona. In the aftermath of this tragedy, 6 have lost their lives, 12 were wounded, and Gabby is still in the hospital fighting for her life. She is a dear friend, and one of the most sincere, conscientious, and thoughtful members I have had the pleasure of working with.

Gabby has so many friends in Congress and is an outstanding Congresswoman for her district and for the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. She has served the last 2 years as the chairwoman of our Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and has done a magnificent job overseeing our Nation's space program. The passion that she brings with her is always evident and she has been willing to ask the tough questions and work across the aisle in support of what she believes.

Gabby loves her district and her constituents, and she is always finding a way to work her home state of Arizona into the discussion. I have been to her district with her to support solar energy and to the Cape with her to support the Shuttle flights. Perhaps it hurts even more that this shooting took place at an event that was organized so she could listen to her constituents and discuss how she represents their interests. She was doing her job, being accessible, and listening to the people she represents.

Gabby is a beautiful young lady with a beautiful family, and a stepmother of two young children. It's hard to understand how someone could do something like that. In a moment's time, one person destroyed the lives of so many innocent victims. Events like this remind us of how fragile life can be and how in the blink of an eye, everything can change.

I've been around a long time and have seen too many terrible senseless events; these are times when you feel helpless, and all you can do is pray and come together to display solidarity and support for those who have been affected. I will continue to pray every day for Gabby, her husband Astronaut Mark Kelly, her family, her staff, Judge John Roll, little 9-year old Christina Green, and the families of all the victims in this tragedy.

