MSNBC "Hardball with Chris Matthews" - Transcript


Date: Jan. 12, 2011


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER (via telephone): You"re welcome. It"s quite an evening.

OLBERMANN: What happened? What happened? You were there. What did you see? What did she see?

PELOSI: Well, we were very blessed to be invited by the family, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz and Senator Gillibrand and I to visit Gabby. And while we were, there we witnessed almost a miracle. We saw the power of prayer, the power of the effect of--the excellence her medical care, and we brought a little girl power, too, because we were trying to amuse Gabby, trying to get through to her how much she was loved and missed in the Congress, and what was waiting for her when she came back.

And being there with her parents and her husband, when she opened her eyes was quite remarkable. That was a glorious, glorious experience. One that I think we all will remember for the rest of our lives. Again, she"s getting the greatest of care, so much love and respect, and we thought we brought a little fun to the room and she reacted.

OLBERMANN: Evidently. Madam Minority Leader, one of her aides said that she was then asked if she could indeed see and she indicated yes. Did you see that?

PELOSI: Well, I didn"t--she didn"t speak. But all of her reactions were very positive in terms of command and she reached out to her husband when he asked her to make certain signals and the rest. But you have to speak to her nurse that was in the room as to what an advance this was. But for those of us who love her so much, it was really a glorious moment.

As I thought the president"s speech was at the University of Arizona at Tucson later in the evening. I hasten to add that the president and first lady had been in the room before us. So, I"m sure they contributed to the good feeling that Gabby was receiving.

And we went there to thank--to bring our love to her, to thank the health care providers for what they were doing for her, for all of those affected on Saturday, and, in fact, for all of the people that they treat to pay respect. To her staff, and to join "Together We Thrive: Tucson and America," the spirit of the evening, the attendance, I think we saw a sense of community there. I think the president took the spirit of civility to a new height and I think it was very transformative. That"s the way it seemed to us in the hall.

And when he announced that Gabby had opened her eyes, it just got such an incredible response. We could identify with that because in the room, we felt as if we were witnessing something quite miraculous.

OLBERMANN: It sounds extraordinary even at this great distance. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader--great thanks for making yourself available to us at short notice.

PELOSI: Thank you. Thank you so much, Keith.

OLBERMANN: Pleasure as always and congratulations on being there.

PELOSI: Thanks.

