Jordan Statement on President Obama's Tax Deal


Date: Dec. 16, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Late this evening, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) issued the following statement on his vote against H.R. 4853, the tax bill led by President Obama.

"Despite the fact that my fellow conservatives and I have fought long and hard against the income tax increases scheduled for the end of this year, I simply could not support this flawed compromise bill."

"The American people have been speaking out for the past two years against the out-of-control spending of the Obama administration and Pelosi Congress. Though I strongly support cutting income taxes for all Americans, this bill is saddled with $95 billion in new federal spending that will increase the deficit, and also contains a massive increase in the estate tax that will hurt the families, farmers and small business owners in my district and across America."
"Democrats rejected an amendment I offered in rules committee that would have cut over $149 billion in federal spending to offset the $95 billion in spending in this bill. Congress cannot continue to spend like there is no tomorrow. The out-of-control spending must stop. We cannot allow the compromise to put more debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren. We can, and must, do better."
