Fleming Votes 'No' on Obama Tax Compromise


Date: Dec. 17, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman John Fleming, M.D. released the following statement after the House of Representatives voted to pass the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4853 -- Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010.

"In November, the American people sent a resounding message to Washington that they are fed-up with excessive spending and out-of-touch politicians. While I agree with some tenets of this bill, the fact remains that this effort does not provide the proper framework to actually stimulate the economy. A simple two year extension will do little to provide small businesses with the certainty they need to plan for long-term growth. Once again Congress has merely kicked the can down the road rather than fix a problem.

"This bill also adds billions to our debt, spending not paid for. I cannot finish the 111th Congress by participating in what the people said they were tired of just 5 weeks ago. Our nation needs to get back on track toward fiscal responsibility, and this bill does not get us there. If we can't get a clean, permanent extension of current tax rates, we should wait until the 112th Congress convenes next month."
