Rep. Engel - Increased Flights Over Rockland Unacceptable


Date: Dec. 8, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement today in response to the reported plan by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to increase flights over Rockland County in 2011, before the massive changes to the quality of life of Rockland residents scheduled in the airspace redesign in 2012.

"I have long been opposed to the airspace redesign plan, which I believe will adversely affect the quality of life for residents affected by the changes. I have strongly opposed funding for its implementation on the House floor at every stage of the process and will continue to fight to cut off funding whenever possible.

"The FAA has shown an utter lack of commitment to deal with the issue of aircraft noise and an increase in air pollution that will be caused by the plan. The redirection of the approximately 100 flights per day that have taken off from John F. Kennedy International Airport only compounds the problem and is an insult to the injury caused by the redesign.

"It has been clear for many years that the FAA has had no intention to listen to the people of Rockland. I have spoken to, and written letters to, the FAA and to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood asking for reconsideration of this plan. There are other ways to address the problems facing the airports and delayed flights without requiring the people of Rockland to bear the burden.

"I am outraged by the FAA's persistence in moving forward without regard to the impact on the lives of my constituents. I will continue my strong opposition to this plan and will work with my colleagues to have the FAA move forward with a more reasonable plan."
