Issue Position: Investing in Oregon

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As your Representative in Washington, it is my duty to provide you with the highest level of transparency and accountability. While the appropriations process is often criticized, I do believe funding can be responsible and awarded fairly as long as the process is open and transparent. If used thoughtfully, directed investment can be an important tool to bring critical funding home for the benefit of our community.

As you know, no member directed investment adds to the budget spending level nor do they add additional debt. These member directed projects come from funds that are appropriated and sent to the designated federal agency and does not add additional funding to an agency's budget. These are difficult times economically, and it is important during this process to find a balance between frugality and providing funding for projects necessary to our community.

With this in mind, I chose projects that will have a positive economic impact, have regional significance and that will fit into the larger goals of our community. Requests have only been made on behalf of local governments or non-profit entities. While I could not request every project submitted, I did work with our partners on the state and local levels to ensure that the top priorities, as determined by the requestor, were submitted. Below you will find an alphabetical list of the Appropriations Subcommittees in which I submitted requests. These links will direct you to the requests for each of these Subcommittees. Should you have any questions regarding these requests or the appropriations process, please do not hesitate to contact me.
