Burgess Statement On November Jobs Report


Date: Dec. 3, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26), a member of the Joint Economic Committee, released the following statement on the November jobs report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today:

"Uncertainty does not create jobs; if it did then we would be well on our way to recovery. Today's announcement of 9.8% unemployment rate, an increase since last month, is a sobering realization that the policies of the last two years have not worked. Americans are tired of the continued promises of improvement with no visible results.

Out of control federal spending and uncertainties due to impending tax increases have caused employers to refrain from hiring. How desperate do Americans on Main Street have to get before Democrats wake-up and realize their job-killing agenda can go no further?

We need to take proactive steps to actually create jobs for the millions who are unemployed. The best way to encourage companies to hire is to create certainty. Businesses need to know what their tax rates will be next year. Blocking new ill-conceived health care regulations -- responsible for over 40% increases in healthcare premiums in some markets -- would go a long way in helping businesses feel comfortable enough to begin hiring again

Extending all of the current tax rates, and less government interference, is the solution that constituents have told me they want and I agree. So let's break the cycle of unemployment, turn around the economy, and put Americans back to work."
