Rep. Jackson Votes to Expand and Enhance Child Nutrition Programs


Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. made the following statement regarding final passage of S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, which reauthorizes federal Child Nutrition Programs. The final vote was 264-157.

Congressman Jackson said:

"The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act is not perfect, but it will help make sure that American children are healthy and productive. The bill provides an additional $4.5 billion of new Child Nutrition funding over the next 10 years, and improves access to nutritious foods for children through the community eligibility, direct certification, improved nutrition standards and increased federal reimbursement rate provisions found in the bill.

"Unfortunately, the Senate included a cut in SNAP - the federal food stamp program - in order to pay for this bill. I am very troubled by the SNAP offset, but President Obama and his Administration have reassured us that he will work with Congress to restore these cuts. We will hold the Administration to that promise.

"In Illinois, more than half of SNAP beneficiaries are children. While there are several benefits in the Child Nutrition Programs, too many kids will suffer from the cuts to food stamps. Therefore, we must restore the benefit increase provided to SNAP that was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and was cut in today's bill."
