Issue Position: Earmarks

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011
Issues: Taxes

Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have railed against wasteful spending. While some earmarks can be of great benefit to a state, at a time when people are hurting and our national deficit has reached a record high, pet projects -- or earmarks -- shouldn't even be considered. In my opinion, if these programs are really necessary and beneficial, they should be able to stand alone on their merits, rather than be hidden in another bill.

The National Taxpayers Union has consistently honored me with the "Taxpayers' Friend Award" for my strong voting record in supporting, controlling or reducing federal spending, taxes, debt and regulation. In 2008, I received the highest score in the Wisconsin delegation, and was 13th overall in the House of Representatives, resulting in an "A" grade. Citizens Against Government Waste has also recognized me numerous times for my positive work in the legislature.
