Boehner Files Amicus Brief Challenging Constitutionality of Individual Mandate at Heart of Job-Killing ObamaCare Law

Press Release

Date: Nov. 16, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) filed an amicus brief today challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate at the heart of the job-killing ObamaCare law. Boehner's amicus brief was filed in support of a lawsuit brought by 20 state attorneys general and the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the nation's largest small business association, seeking to overturn the government takeover of health care that is costing jobs, increasing costs, and jeopardizing coverage for millions of Americans.

"I'm proud to join these states and the NFIB in their ongoing effort to overturn this job-killing health care law and protect American workers from its devastating impact." Boehner said. "ObamaCare is a job-killer, and our economy simply cannot afford this unprecedented, unconstitutional power grab by the federal government. That is why Republicans will continue standing with the American people and fighting to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with better solutions put forth in the Pledge to America to lower health care costs and protect American jobs."

In the brief, Boehner argues that - in its defense of the individual mandate - the Obama Administration has distorted the Constitution to vastly increase congressional power, compromising the integrity of the legislative process, and undermining accountability to the American people.

In August, primary voters in Missouri rejected the mandate by a nearly 2.5-to-1 margin. Two months prior to that, House Democrats in Washington voted to reject a GOP proposal to repeal the mandate.
