Issue Position: Transportation and Infrastructure

Issue Position

Issues: Transportation

Our transportation infrastructure is in dire need of improvement. Airport delays grow longer every year due to a lack of runways and gates, congestion on the highways costs the country 4.2 billion hours in wasted time and the locks on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers were designed for Mark Twain's steamboat not modern barges. These deficiencies increase transportation costs, which in turn drive up the cost of every product we buy and make American products less attractive on the world market.

To correct these problems I am fully committed to increasing the capacity of our roads, rails, runways and rivers. As I work to do so, I also intend to ensure that the new roads we construct and our existing roads serve not only drivers but transit users, bicyclists and pedestrians. Furthermore, I intend to work with my colleagues in Congress to finally move the United States towards a system of high speed passenger rail. It is embarrassing that France, Spain and Japan have rail systems that can travel 50 miles an hour faster than our passenger rail cars.

As a member of the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure I feel I am well positioned to make these important changes happen.
