Blog: 2 Days To An Historic Victory


Date: Oct. 31, 2010

It is time to write the last chapter of this historic election and the ending will depend on you. Two private polls now indicate a race within the margin of error between Cleaver and me and all of us control the outcome. Emanuel Cleaver has set himself in the minds of the voters. The few left undecided will make their mind up about me over the next 2 days. Also, turnout will be the deciding factor this time -- if our supporters turnout we will win, nothing can change that political reality.

You can be the difference between a voter who casts a protest 3rd party ballot -- there are two in race -- because they still do not know who I am and assume I am just a "Republican' and an informed voter who proudly chooses us knowing I will do all I can to represent the people, stop the spending, and restore commonsense to Congress. Though the hour is late there is still time to find those voters among your family, friends, neighbors and the guy at the next gas pump.

Please contact all you know by email, phone and in person letting them know together we can finally defeat Cleaver and the Kansas City political machine and have real representation for all of us in DC. On election day, please volunteer to stand outside the polls with a smile asking people to vote for your friend Jacob Turk. Everyone you greet will be casing their ballot in minutes and your words will be the difference for a lot more voters than you think. Prime time at our polls is 5:45a until 9a and most citizens in the 5th District will vote during those hours. The other two best times are between 11a and 1p and 4:30p until the polls close at 7p. Sign up here to be the difference on election day.

You are becoming part of an historic moment here in the 5th and it will take all of us pulling together to write that history. Your last minute contribution will allow us to run more ads on tv and radio to reach and convince more voters. Please contribute what you can now by clicking here.

Donna and I are grateful for all you and thousands of others have done. Let's finish strong for these two days and win this race!
