Social Security


For decades candidates have said that Social Security needs to be protected. But, for decades elected politicians have said that there is a problem with the funding of Social Security and it needs reform. By 2016, Social Security will start spending more than it receives each year. Any worker born after 1970, will pay into the system, but will not receive the full benefits promised when they reach 65. We must stop politicking Social Security and start solving Social Security.

The 60 Plus Association (with over five million senior adult members) has awarded James Lankford the Honorary Guardian of Seniors' Rights award which is given to those running for office based on their views on seniors' issues. Pat Boone, spokesman for 60 Plus, states, " James Lankford can always be counted on to protect Social Security and Medicare. He will be a tax cutter, protecting the pocket books of senior citizens. Clearly, seniors will have no finer friend in Congress than James Lankford."

If everyone sees the problem, why isn't Social Security fixed? Politicians spend all their energy attacking anyone who talks about Social Security, instead of working toward solutions. It is time to start working on solutions before the next generation suffers under the debt and arrogance of this generation of leaders.
We need to establish a plan of action for Social Security:

Protect the promise: We must guard Social Security benefits for those who are currently in and approaching retirement.

Deal with Fraud: Establish clear and immediate punishment for anyone defrauding the Social Security system. Any person or organization that steals from the benefits of our retired or disabled Americans deserves the full strength of the punishment of our nation.

Establish a "Bi-Partisan Commission" to make proposals for reform: A panel of Republicans and Democrats should be formed to develop solutions for the next generation of Social Security. The question must be answered, "How do we protect the future of our nation by protecting Social Security?" The commission report should lead to clear legislation with full buy in from both parties. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, this is an American issue and we should solve it with American innovation.
