WBALTV.com - Kratovil, Harris Show Differences During Debate

News Article

Date: Oct. 18, 2010
Location: Queen Anne's County, MD

Both Battle To Win 1st Congressional District

Over the weekend, 1st Congressional District Democratic incumbent Frank Kratovil squared off against Republican Andy Harris on a variety of issues during a League of Women Voters candidate forum in Queen Anne's County.

During the debate, Harris mentioned his opponent twice and referenced President Barack Obama as many as eight times.

Like his TV ads, Kratovil made claims against Harris, proclaiming Harris received millions of dollars from the Wall Street interest group Club for Growth, which supports privatizing Social Security; however, Harris' campaign literature states that he doesn't support that.

"I don't know where the congressman got that. I never said I was for privatizing Social Security. He knows it's something he can't prove, so instead, he says I'm supported by some group that supports it," Harris told the crowd. "Mr. Kratovil, your ads have been called phony by the Annapolis Capitol, and they've been called baloney by FactCheck.org. It's because you just make stuff up."
Frank Kratovil, Andy Harris
Frank Kratovil, Andy Harris

The differences between Kratovil and Harris are stark, 11 News I-Team reporter David Collins said.

During the debate, they were asked if they would they change the 14th Amendment, giving children of non-American citizens U.S. citizenship.

"I support overturning that decision. I think they should come to this country legally, like my parents came," Harris said.

"We need to focus on employment, and I have a bill that would increase penalties for employers who knowingly violate the law," Kratovil said. "If we want to deal with the issue, we've got to go to the root of the problem, and that is that people know they can come to this country and get jobs even when they are illegal."

Also on the table: green house gas emissions.
"We need a new strategy. Our strategy should be one focused on counterterrorism."
- Frank Kratovil, on Afghanistan War

"Cap and trade will cost our country millions of jobs to be sent to India and China, and it will cost each family thousands of dollars per year," Harris said.

"What we tried to do in the agricultural committee is try to put limits on what the Environmental Protection Agency could try to regulate. We exempted agriculture completely from the caps that were in that bill," Kratovil said.

The duo debated war funding in Afghanistan.

"We need a new strategy. Our strategy should be one focused on counterterrorism," Kratovil said.

"I would support continued funding for the war in Afghanistan if the president would begin listening to his commanders in the field," Harris responded.
"I would support continued funding for the war in Afghanistan if the president would begin listening to his commanders in the field."
- Andy Harris, on Afghanistan War

The two also differed on what to do about the federal deficit.

"(We need) a bill that would require a 2 percent discretionary cut across the board of programs," Kratovil said.

"We've got to cut back on the Department of Education, and we've got to leave our education dollars in our local counties," Harris said.

The candidates view the world differently, Collins reported. In his opening statement, Kratovil said, "I've been able to work across party lines to solve problems."

Harris told the Salisbury Daily Times, "I'm not sure what independent means." He also told the forum audience that people are telling him they are scared about the direction the president and Congress are taking the country.

According to a September poll, Harris has a 3 point advantage over Kratovil.

The Washington Post over the weekend reported that although Kratovil is considered one of the most endangered incumbents, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee still believes he has a fighting chance.

The committee has pumped more than $800,000 into efforts to help him keep his seat.
