Issue Position: Preserving Our Environment

Issue Position

Issues: Energy

Creating a Clean Energy Economy
Protecting our environment is more than just protecting our quality of life. It's good economic policy. Senator Sokola is working to power our economic recovery through the promotion of clean energy jobs. With smart energy policies and environmental clean-up, Delaware will reap the benefits for years to come.

Protect Our Great Open Spaces
Our farmland and remaining open spaces are under tremendous development pressure. To preserve them for our children and future generations, Dave Sokola won a commitment to dedicate $10 million each year into the Farmland Preservation Fund. And he was one of only a few senators to oppose legislation that would have undermined the Open Space Act by allowing irresponsible development.

Building Consensus To Use Our Resources Wisely
Dave Sokola knows that the best way to protect our environment is to get everybody involved. That's why he sponsored the "Shaping Delaware's Future Act" to require comprehensive planning and curb out-of-control development. Dave also worked with county officials, civic groups, and communities to achieve a creative flood control solution for New Castle County.

* Helped implement the Pike Creek restoration project
* Worked to protect the Judge Morris Estate from development
* Helped preserve the Deerfield Property from development
* Co-sponsored legislation to provide reliable funding for open space preservation through the Farmland Preservation Trust
* Protected Delawareans from high arsenic levels in the soil
* Regulating aboveground chemical storage tanks
* Currently fighting to protect the Three Little Bakers golf course from being developed
