Siding With Pelosi, Wilson Casts Deciding Vote Against Even Voting on Obama Tax Hikes

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2010
Location: Poland, OH
Issues: Taxes

House Democrats decide to skip town without even bringing issue to a vote

Candidate for Congress Bill Johnson today criticized incumbent Democrat Charlie Wilson and House Democrats for their failure to address the devastating tax increases that are set to take place at the start of 2011.

On Wednesday, the House voted to adjourn until after the November election without even casting a vote on the looming tax hike for all income brackets. Wilson joined Pelosi in voting for adjournment (House Roll Call 546) so they could head home without having to address this critical matter. The resolution passed by 1 vote. 39 Democrats stood up to party leadership, but Charlie Wilson was not among them.

"To say the least, it is extremely disappointing that Charlie Wilson cast the deciding vote with Nancy Pelosi in order to skip town without even voting on this issue that is so vital to Ohioans and all Americans," Johnson said. "This silence is a dereliction of his duty. Wilson decided to make leaving town and fighting for his own political survival a higher priority than fighting for American families. He is ignoring the pleas of families and small business owners everywhere and leaving them in a state of uncertainty and bracing for more pain. The message coming to Washington is clear, but Wilson has chosen to ignore it."

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the coming tax hikes will hinder spending and hurt recovery efforts.

"This is just one more example of the irresponsibility Wilson has shown in his almost four years in office," Johnson added. "He went against the wishes of the district and cast a key vote for ObamaCare. Unemployment has skyrocketed and Ohio has lost just under 400,000 jobs. The national debt is out of control. No matter how you slice it, Charlie Wilson's out of touch votes have impeded recovery and hurt the hard working men and women of Eastern and Southern Ohio."

Bill Johnson is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who resides in Poland with his wife LeeAnn and son Nathan. He currently works in a senior management IT role with a publicly traded company headquartered in Northeast Ohio.
