Blog: Just a Few Hours Left


Date: Sept. 30, 2010
Issues: Elections

Agree or disagree with his politics, but Mike Castle served the people of Delaware honorably for 30 years. He hadn't lost an election in 12 straight attempts until Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party started smearing his record and circulating myths and rumors.

In the weeks before their primary election, polls showed Congressman Castle to be up by more than a dozen points. He lost by six.

With an endless supply of money and a willingness to say just about anything to win, we have to take the O'Donnell campaign seriously. Out-of-state committees and shady groups have bought substantial amounts of television time and -- believe me -- they won't be using it to tout O'Donnell's record of accomplishments.

All we want to do is talk about the issues facing Delaware. All they know how to do is try to tear me down, just as they did Mike Castle.

Tonight's fundraising deadline is the most important of the campaign. Christine O'Donnell's campaign has been boasting that it has raised more than $2.6 million since the primary. That's a significant number.

We are just $24,894 away from the $250,000 goal we announced last week -- a goal we set to ensure we fully invest in our strategy to win on November 2nd. Help us exceed our goal by donating before midnight tonight.

Television ads work because the repetition can quickly turn into reputation. When enough people hear the same arguments enough times, many will start to assume the ads are true.

Over the next four weeks we're going to see a litany of television ads that smear my work for New Castle County.

O'Donnell's ads won't talk about her support for offshore drilling, her desire to further de-regulate Wall Street, privatize veterans' medical care, or her anti-equality, anti-choice and anti-stem cell research positions because they know that most Delawareans don't agree with her.

We'll break through and reach Delaware's voters, but we need your help to do it. Please make a contribution to my campaign before our deadline tonight.
