Issue Position: Bipartisanship

Issue Position

Ranked the most centrist member of Arizona's Congressional delegation by the non-partisan National Journal in February 2010.

Every year, bipartisanship feels more like a thing of the past. This isn't good for our nation and it isn't a productive way for elected officials to work. America's problems are bipartisan, so our solutions must be bipartisan.

I believe it is essential to break through political gridlock and bring people together to find solutions. I don't care whether you are a Republican rancher, an independent small business owner or a Democratic Air Force veteran. If you live in Southeastern Arizona, it is my job to stand up for you and be your voice in Congress.

The lion's share of the bills I've introduced in Congress -- 71 percent -- have a Republican co-sponsor. For example, I introduced the New Employee Verification Act, a bill to improve how employers verify the citizenship of prospective employees, with Republican Sam Johnson of Texas.

I am not afraid to vote against the wishes of my party's leadership. After all, I don't work for them; I work for you. I voted against the Auto Bailout and the Cash for Clunkers program. And I voted to investigate a powerful member of my own party accused of ethical violations, among many other votes against party leadership.
