Issue Position: Trade

Issue Position

Issues: Trade

For too long, U.S. trade policy has put American workers at a disadvantage. Residents of West Central Illinois know all too well what flawed trade policies can do to our local economies. In Galesburg, NAFTA drove 1,600 Maytag jobs to Reynosa, Mexico and these workers are not alone--just look at any corner of West Central Illinois and you can find similar stories. Sadly, these bad trade deals and failed tax policies have allowed corporations to find loopholes to export our jobs instead of promoting our exports overseas. This practice has to stop, which is why I have voted to repeal the tax loopholes that have led to the bleeding of American jobs to places like China. I will continue to fight every day to restore our manufacturing base and begin to again "Make It In America.'

I am a leading member of the House Trade Working Group which actively fights for fair trade policies that protect American jobs and industries, lifts people out of poverty, and preserves our natural resources. I will not vote for any trade agreement destined to ship more American jobs overseas and will continue to fight to overhaul the entire process so workers have a greater voice. We need to walk away from failed trade deals like NAFTA, oppose unfair trade deals like Korea, eliminate non-tariff barriers and ensure that our businesses have a fair shot in this global economy. I have no doubt that when the playing field is level, American companies and workers will be able to compete and most importantly, win.
