Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Illinois farmers have an important role to play in the production of food and energy for our nation. Because of this, I was a strong supporter of the 2008 Farm Bill and worked hard for its passage. This legislation established a strong safety net for farmers to continue to produce a safe and abundant supply of food despite natural disasters and unforeseen market fluctuations. The bill also included historic investments in food stamps, biofuel production, and rural America through economic development programs and enhanced telecommunications infrastructure. While it seems far off, Congress has begun to draft and debate the 2012 Farm Bill where it is my hope that we'll build upon the reforms that were made and further implement programs that work for families and farmers throughout our area.

I am working diligently to modernize the locks and dams system along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to ensure the U.S. remains competitive in the global marketplace. I am committed to doing what I can to implement protections to ensure our riverfront communities and farms are protected against flooding that hurts our economy, our communities and our future.

Of concern to many farmers throughout Illinois and across the nation is the "America's Commitment to the Clean Water Act (ACCWA)". As written I can not support this legislation because the bill would remove the word "navigable" from current law and replace it with "waters of the U.S." The intent is to make almost all bodies of water subject to regulation and permitting--not just navigable waterways big enough for a ship to travel through. I strongly believe in the bill's intentions and have long made that clear. However, I believe this legislation goes too far in removing the word navigable and believe we must provide clear exemptions for our farmers and road builders. Should this bill move forward, I will work to make sure it is something that everyone can support and provide clear exemptions for Illinois agriculture.

Whether it is in advocating for extensions to the critical biodiesel tax credit, fighting against counter-productive and overly burdensome regulations on our farmers or simply making the voice of Illinois agriculture heard in Congress, I am proud be a strong supporter of our farmers and producers.
