Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Randy's Plan for Our Energy Future

Creating a New Manhattan Project for Energy Independence.
Congressman Forbes has introduced legislation to establish a bold project that leverages scientific research and development towards meeting the goal of our nation's 50% energy independence in ten years and 100% energy independence in 20 years. To achieve this goal, the New Manhattan Project will bring together the best and brightest scientists in our nation in a competitive format to effectively research one of seven established energy goals and will award significant prizes to any group, school, team, or company who reaches the goal. The bill promotes dramatic advances in the fields of alternative technology vehicles, green buildings, solar power, biofuels, carbon sequestration, nuclear waste remediation, and nuclear fusion. If all of these goals are achieved, our energy independence would be secured, and even if one of them is achieved, our energy outlook would be transformed.

Choosing Innovation Over Taxation.
Congressman Forbes voted against the cap-and-trade bill, which was estimated to result in $1,200 in higher energy costs per family in the United States. Instead, Congressman Forbes offered an amendment that would have replaced the entire cap-and-trade bill with his nationally-acclaimed New Manhattan Project for Energy Independence. Instead of relying on taxation, his solution relies on the ingenuity, innovation, and imagination of the American people to create the next revolution in energy technology.

Increasing Production.
Reducing consumption and pursuing alternative energies are not enough to bring relief at the pump for consumers and small businesses. Congressman Forbes has also supported policies that encourage the safe expansion of nuclear energy.

Provide Tax Incentives to Encourage Energy Innovation.
Congressman Forbes supports a tax policy that better encourages energy innovation at the manufacturing level and energy conservation at the consumer level. Congressman Forbes supports providing basic tax credits for consumers purchasing energy efficient automobiles to encourage manufacturer innovation and consumer conservation. Providing tax incentives to businesses that adopt conservation policies would result in major improvements in energy consumptions. These solutions would provide us with environmental gains while balancing the economic costs.

Increasing Fuel Efficiency of Our Cars.
One of the primary ways we can decrease consumption while simultaneously protecting the environment is by increasing the fuel efficiency of our cars. Congressman Forbes has supported increases in federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, while maintaining the level of safety and quality our families have come to expect from advancing technology. A careful, balanced approach to environmental and safety concerns surrounding fuel efficiency will keep working-class families employed and put our nation on a track towards effective energy conservation.
