Issue Position: Protecting Long Island's Middle-Class Families

Issue Position

Congressman Bishop is fighting for legislation to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which unfairly targets over 90,000 residents of New York's 1st Congressional District. The AMT is an extra tax that some people pay on top of their regular income tax. It was originally put in place in order to prevent people with very high incomes from using multiple loopholes to pay little or no tax, but it also affects an increasing number of middle income families because the AMT is not adjusted for inflation. Bishop wants to set this straight and help lower the tax burden that Long Islanders have to shoulder.

To this end, Bishop has secured about $157 million in aid for Long Island schools, which helped us avoid heightened property taxes or layoffs of teachers and staff. Tim also supports expanding the Child Tax Credit and the 10% income tax bracket.
