Sensenbrenner Joins House Republicans for A Pledge to America

Press Release

Today, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05) joined his House Republican colleagues in issuing the Pledge to America. For several months now, the American people have had a chance to offer their input on how to fix our country's problems. This pledge showcases the Republicans' desire to take these thoughts of everyday Americans and put them into action.

"The American people have been loud and clear in their distaste for the status quo in Washington. It is time that this Congress recognizes that some of the best ideas for our country do not come from inside the Beltway, but from the American people themselves."

"A Pledge to America reaffirms the commitment that House Republicans have to our country's founding principles. Less government, lower taxes, reduced wasteful spending, and a strong national defense have enabled Americans for generations to have their country work for them, and not the other way around. It is time that we restore these values to turn our nation around."

The pledge unveiled today puts forth a plan to create jobs, make America more competitive, reduce the size of government, and repeal and replace the government takeover of healthcare. To learn more about A Pledge to America, please visit
