Issue Position: Preserving Our Quality of Life

Issue Position

Gov. Lynch is committed to preserving New Hampshire's unique quality of life for future generations, and has fought to protect our natural resources and our rich cultural and historical treasures.

Preserving Our Quality of Life

Helping the Economy and the Environment With a Comprehensive Energy Plan

Gov. Lynch developed a comprehensive energy plan that is helping create jobs, reduce costs for families and businesses, and fight global warming.
Joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Under Gov. Lynch's leadership, New Hampshire helped develop and joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a 10-state effort to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and to increase energy efficiency. As a result of these efforts, New Hampshire is now investing in helping families and businesses reduce their energy costs. Climate change task force
Bringing Alternative Energy Jobs to New Hampshire; Expanding New Hampshire's Energy Choices

Gov. Lynch has also set a goal of ensuring that New Hampshire gets 25 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2025. This law is spurring the developing of clean energy plants and jobs in New Hampshire, and will build New Hampshire's economy by increasing our energy independence; diversifying our energy sources; encouraging investment in new, cleaner energy production in New Hampshire and helping stabilize energy costs for businesses and families.

Leading by Example in State Government

Gov. Lynch signed an executive order directing state agencies to become more energy efficient; and created a Climate Change Task Force to recommend other steps the state can take to reduce global warming. And under Gov. Lynch, New Hampshire became the first state government in the country to get 25 percent of its energy from renewable sources.

Investing in Our State Parks

As Governor, John Lynch made the first system-wide capital investment in the state parks in over 40 years. He included funding in the state budget to allow the state to purchase Temple Mountain, providing an important new recreational opportunity for people in southern New Hampshire, while ensuring this treasured area will be preserved for future generations to use.
Preserving Our History

Gov. Lynch worked with the Legislature to create a Bureau of Historic Resources at the Department of Resources and Economic Development to focus on maintaining and improving state-owned historic sites.
Protecting New Hampshire's Unique Character

As Governor, John Lynch made a commitment to preserving what is special about New Hampshire by supporting the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program. This highly successful program allows the state to partner with local communities to preserve open space and historic places.
Stopping the Burning of Construction and Demolition Debris

John Lynch fought successfully for a permanent ban on the burning of toxic construction and demolition debris, which would have added to air and water pollution in New Hampshire.

Protecting New Hampshire's Waters

John Lynch knows that New Hampshire's lakes and ponds are critical to our economy and our quality of life. That is why he signed legislation providing greater protections for the shores of our lakes and ponds, helping to protect New Hampshire's lakes and ponds for future generations.
