Letter to the Editors of the Papers Sponsoring the Debates


Date: Sept. 28, 2010

As the midterm election draws near, Ohioans are being polled, cajoled, begged and pleaded with by candidates for their votes. Americans and in particularly, Ohioans, are as restless as I have ever seen. The Bush Administrations infuriated the voters so much that people went into the polls to vote against an outgoing president. They hated Republicans and voted in a president that promised us hope and change we could believe in. Two years later they hate Democrats. People are calling for real change.

The Constitution guarantees us freedoms not seen any place else in the world. We have the right to free speech, the right to assemble, the right to a trial by our peers and many more. One thing we have not achieved is the equal right to run for public office. On October 4th, 8th, and 12th, debates will occur between the Republican and Democratic candidates for the office of U.S. Senate. There are, however, five candidates and only two are given the right to participate. They have spent millions of dollars on commercials that have not offered one syllable how either one of them will solve the problems of America or Ohio. They continuously tell us what a rotten candidate the other is. It is about time we believe them, but the voters are not going to hear the full story.

I am the Independent Candidate in this election and one of the sponsoring papers told me they will not let "non-viable candidates" participate in the debates. Since when does a physician who has offered the only solution to the tragedy of Obama Care by authoring a book on the subject become "non-viable"? I am the only candidate in this race that has worn the uniform in defense of my country. Since when does the only veteran in the race become "non-viable"? Going into the Primary election, the Republicans only had 15% of the registered voters and the Democrats had only 22%. Since when do the two parties who can claim just a shade over a third of the voters in the state get to make all the rules? Why are there not two Independents on the election boards? Why does an Independent have to secure 5,000 valid signatures and the two parties only need 1,500? When signatures are counted, why are the 63% of Independents not represented? Why am I not allowed "Independent" next to my name on the ballot when 63% of the voters might recognize their choice on the ballot?

This letter is my form of protest. What are the Republicans and Democrats afraid of? Why is the media supporting this suppression of information in an election? So I am sending in this letter because it is my right to freedom of speech. I guess we will have to see if the papers will decide whose right means more; that of an individual legally on the ballot to be heard by the people of Ohio or their right to freedom of the press to suppress the free exchange of ideas in a country that parades freedom but so callously restricts it.

Michael Pryce MD
Hudson, Ohio
Independent Candidate
United States Senate--Ohio
