Harper Joins Republicans In Presenting A Pledge To America House Republicans Offer a New Governing Agenda for the American Peopl

Press Release

Date: Sept. 23, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Gregg Harper (R--Miss.) joined House Republicans today in the release of A Pledge to America, a new governing agenda focused on job creation through spending reductions and congressional reforms.

"The American people continue to express their opposition to the bailouts, government takeovers and federal spending spree taking place under the Democratic-led Congress," said Harper, a freshman Republican from Mississippi's Third Congressional District. "Congress must return to America's founding values of a smaller government that is more accountable to the people."

A Pledge to America is the result of an unprecedented listening initiative launched by House Republicans to engage Americans across the country in framing a new agenda for Congress. The Republican agenda offers specific solutions for creating jobs, reducing spending and reforming Congress, which is outlined in five priorities:

* Create jobs, end economic uncertainty, and make America more competitive
* Stop out-of-control spending and reduce the size of government
* Repeal and replace the government takeover of health care
* Reform Congress and restore trust
* Keep our nation secure at home and abroad

Republicans are urging immediate passage of these policies to turn America from the failed economic policies of the current leadership, to the conservative principles that promote prosperity through individual freedoms and liberties from the federal government.

"Enacting these principles into law is the first step Congress should take to ensure economic opportunity to all Americans," added Harper. "I am committed to a transparent government that decreases runaway federal spending, creates jobs, improves affordable access to health care and increase domestic energy production." To review this document in its entirety, click here or visit pledge.gop.gov.
