Issue Position: Immigration Laws

Issue Position

As a Free people believing in the natural rights of each human being, our borders should be easy to cross legitimately. There should be minimal impediments to departing and entering the free United States of America. Building an impenetrable wall with watchtowers and 24 hour high-tech surveillance around US territory is totally undesirable, expensive, and even impossible to accomplish.

Unfortunately, governments at all levels are providing "social" services and outright welfare to non-citizens and even illegal aliens. Hence there is great incentive for foreign individuals to cross our borders in any way they can. The benefits and privileges of US Citizenship should belong only to legitimate citizens. Simply requiring proof of citizenship before granting welfare and social services would go a long way to reducing the influx of undesirable immigrants. Non-citizens who violate Federal and/or State laws should be returned to their home country as efficiently as possible. They have no "right" to remain within US territory.

One of the enumerated Constitutional functions of the US Congress is "to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalisation." The current rules and quotas need to be completely reviewed and revised to make the process simpler and more consistent with our core beliefs in the natural rights spoken of in the Declaration of Independence.
