New TV Ad Explores Brian Sandoval's Long-Term Relationship with Special Interests

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2010
Location: Las Vegas, NV

Rory Reid will hit the airwaves across Nevada today with a new ad pointing out the simple fact that powerful Nevada special interests recruited Brian Sandoval to run for governor.

Rory has pledged to stand up against the powerful interests that have thrown Nevada into an economic tailspin. As governor, Sandoval would prioritize the interests of these long-standing friends, who have controlled Carson City's agenda for years, over the interests of average Nevadans.

Titled "Our State," the 30-second spot focuses on Sandoval's loving relationship with special interests. At the heart of this relationship is a well-known pair of powerful lobbyists for Nevada's banking industry and other special interests who recruited Brian Sandoval to run for governor.

From the Reno Gazette Journal:

He said he was first approached early this summer by Republican political consultants Pete Ernaut and Greg Ferraro about launching an unprecedented -- in Nevada -- challenge against the sitting governor.

"I never called them said 'I think I want to be a candidate governor,'" Sandoval said. "Frankly, when they came to me for the first time, seriously, I didn't think it was a serious consideration."

From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

The idea to resign his judgeship and run for governor didn't actually originate with Brian Sandoval. Political consultant Pete Ernaut, a longtime friend, planted the seed.

Ernaut and Ferraro represent a who's-who of Nevada's longest-standing special interests, including the Nevada Banking Association. With these powerful backers at the heart of Sandoval's motivation to run for governor, Nevadans should be concerned about where the Republican candidate's loyalties lie.

The 30-second spot begins airing across the state today. "Our State" may also be viewed online.

Transcript -- "Our State"


Nevada, for years we've been ripped off and dragged down.

Maybe you can't find a job, afford your mortgage, or pay your electricity bills.

And I'm angry.

Because the big banks, and other powerful interests have always gotten their way.

They crashed our economy.

And now they've recruited Brian Sandoval to run for governor.

They'll just keep holding Brian Sandoval's hand. But I'll hold them accountable.

I'm Rory Reid.

This is our state, not the special interests'.

And I'll be your governor, not theirs.

Rory Reid is the only candidate for governor to offer solutions for today and a plan for Nevada's future success -- supporting strong schools for a stronger economy. For more information about Rory's campaign or to download his plans -- visit
