Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Making Healthcare Affordable

The people of Wisconsin expect their leaders to stand with them to reduce health care costs for families and businesses so we can get our economy moving and make sure quality health care is affordable and accessible.

By working together and bringing all players to the table, Tom believes Wisconsin can maintain our commitment to providing quality health care to working and middle class families, while controlling costs to businesses and families.

With successes like BadgerCare and BadgerCare Plus, Wisconsin has long been a leader in the effort to provide health insurance coverage to those that don't qualify for Medicaid, and ensuring that all Wisconsin children have access to quality health care.

As governor, Tom will continue to support these successful initiatives, and will fight to make sure that Wisconsin gets its fair share of federal resources so the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act works for Wisconsin working and middle class families.

Tom also strongly supports stem cell research and investing in biotechnology to ensure that Wisconsin remains a world leader in these important fields that save lives, make groundbreaking advances, and create thousands of good-paying jobs in our state.
