Congressman Gingrey Demands Hearing on ObamaCare

Press Release

Date: Sept. 15, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA), Co-Chairman of the GOP Doctors Caucus, today called on Secretary Sebelius to answer whether the Department of Health and Human Services is protecting American consumers OR President Obama by threatening insurance companies for raising the costs of premiums. Last week, Secretary Sebelius sent a letter to health insurance companies in objection to premium increases, while the current Administration is simultaneously touting ObamaCare for lowering healthcare costs for Americans nationwide. An excerpt from Congressman Gingrey's opening statement at the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health is as follows:

"Mr. Chairman, I think it important that we figure out what is going on here. Why are health insurers raising costs by 10% if ObamaCare is supposed to reduce costs? An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Monday states that "the tone of Ms. Sebelius' letter suggests that she doesn't understand that if Congress mandates new benefits, premiums will rise.' My question is this: Is Secretary Sebelius looking out for American patients or covering up the fact that ObamaCare is making their health care unaffordable?

"I believe the American people -- and this Congress -- deserve to know whether these huge rate increases are the work of bad insurance companies or the result of Obamacare. This Committee did not shy away from vilifying Insurance companies in the past -- I see no reason why it should shy away from holding a hearing on this issue now."

Congressman Gingrey remains committed to exposing the realities of Obamacare and will continue to fight its repeal and it is becoming more and more clear that it is not what was advertised.
