Dee Adcock Tears Up Rep. Allyson Schwartz's Federal Credit Card

Press Release

Date: Sept. 1, 2010
Location: Huntington Valley, PA


Congressional Candidate Dee Adcock sent Rep. Allyson Schwartz a strong message about her out of control spending and reckless charging to the Federal Credit Card. At a press conference on Tuesday, August 31st Adcock ripped up an enlarged version of a mock federal credit card. The card represented a 1.3 trillion federal deficit; equal to $43,000 for every American.

Before tearing up the credit card Adcock said, "Democrat leaders like to talk about not giving Republicans back the keys to the country. That shows they just don't get it. It's not about giving the keys to Republicans or Democrats. It's about giving the keys back to the American people!"

Later in his speech Adcock said, "Over the years, I've helped some individuals with their personal finances when budgets could not be made or met, when spending was out of control and debt became unsustainable. The time came that we had to tear up the credit cards. Well that's where we are as a country. The time has come to tear up Representative Schwartz's Federal Credit Card and vote a new majority into Congress come November."

Also on hand to offer their endorsement of Adcock were Representatives Charlie Dent and Congressman Jim Gerlach. They offered their support to Adcock and criticized Schwartz's spending, raising of the federal debt ceiling and inability to produce a budget for the first time in 36 years.

Since the Democrats gained control of Congress four years ago, the national unemployment rate rose from 4.6% to 9.5%. Because of their legislation the national debt ballooned from $8.6 trillion to $13.3 trillion. Rep. Schwartz, who is vice-chair of the Congressional Budget Committee, failed to pass a budget for the first time since 1974. She has failed to lower taxes as a member of the Ways & Means Committee. Her work in passing the massive stimulus bill has failed to keep unemployment below 8%. Her addiction to spending taxpayers' money has reached dangerous levels. Over the last four years, the Democrat controlled Congress proved they don't understand what history has proven. Reducing federal spending, reducing taxes and reducing burdens on businesses (healthcare, cap & trade, etc.) are the keys to job creation.

After the press conference Adcock said, "Rep. Allyson Schwartz believes government spending can lead us to prosperity. We know the more the government consumes, the less capital is left for small businesses to invest and grow. Congress needs to live within their means. They need to stop interfering with the private sector so businesses can expand and create jobs."
