60, 61, 101 - A Response to Aurora Public School's Doom and Gloom


Date: Sept. 11, 2010

I recently responded to a story in the Aurora Sentinel about 60, 61 and 101. Here is what I wrote.

Dear Sentinel,

Your news article quoted the Aurora Public Schools Board as saying the three tax relief ballot issues--60, 61, and 101--would "cause further cuts in public education." Not true. State aid is required to replace 100% of property tax and car ownership tax now going to schools. Amendment 60 also says "state aid shall replace that revenue yearly." It could not be clearer.

School property tax was $1.4 billion in 1992, when TABOR passed. It is now $3.4 billion, over 140% more. Some cut. State spending is now $19.6 billion, up 476% since 1984. Some cut.

The article said "Amendment 60 would force all state municipalities to reduce property tax revenues." It says no such thing. That tax relief is simply to increase state aid to schools. Our 1876 constitution has required for 134 years that the state shall provide "a thorough and uniform system of free public schools." Instead, in 2007, the state raised school property taxes hundreds of millions yearly, without voter approval, in order to cut state aid. We reverse that illegal statute to protect state school aid.

Voters wanting more information should read www.COTaxReforms.com. Then vote YES on 60, 61, and 101. They offer $10 car registration, an end to those nuisance taxes on your phone bill, and protection for children who must repay all the deficit spending. State debt alone has tripled in the past 10 years.

Your family needs tax relief more than some bureaucrat needs his next pay raise.

Rob McNealy, Candidate
U.S. House of Representatives
Colorado CD 6

Please tell me what you think.
