Issue Position: The Economy

Issue Position

How to Fix the Economy and Save the Republic--The Independence Movement Solution

American Economy Defined

An economy is defined as the production and consumption of goods and services of a community as regarded as a whole. Our very successful American economy is based upon independence and sovereignty of the individual. Independence comes because people accept the responsibilities upon which the independence is based. Sovereignty is an endowment by our Creator. The first simple step to fixing the economy is to restore these two principals. The central theme of the lead paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." These words compile the greatest economic plan and the true purpose of government. When our people take back their independence and sovereignty the American economy will flourish. We the people of the great state of Utah can be the lead so other states may follow. Here is a thought question--is big, out of control government and the existing political parties that support it currently pursuing this, or some agenda of its own. Why throw away your vote to support such a system?

Big Government is the Problem

As a people, we have been lured into a mindset that government is here to take care of us. The proper role of government is to protect our rights so that we can pursue the path of happiness which is down the road of independence and individual sovereignty. Individual sovereignty traded for communal security is not a fair trade. Government control in the name of security affects the economy both internally and externally. Internally we see production naturally occurs when there is a hope that a given effort will produce a given reward. When government meddles with and lessens the reward it lessens the production. Consumption occurs because the earth's natural resources are converted into things useful and beneficial to man and then made available to those with excess resources to trade value for them. A free exchange of information, ideas and enterprise causes an economy to flourish. Externally, government affects an economy because government does not produce--it only consumes. The more we allow government to consume, the less of the economy is available to benefit the individuals within that economy. When government brokers all activity, it creates friction between government and the rest of the economy. This friction slows all activity. With fewer laws, there will be a broader agreement and less friction between a government and a people. Few laws respect the sovereignty of the individual. It takes a pretty darn good new law to be better than no new law at all. This is the success secret of limited, Constitutional-based government with few laws and a broad agreement. The less the friction, the greater will be the flow of the economy. We fix the economy by lessening the consumption of government, then lessen the friction and restrictions upon production and activity to allow the fullest participation of those who desire to build the economy (which is most everyone once legal plunder is abolished). This is the intent of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Opposing is government based on power brokering and sell off of influence. We can make our great state the bastion for the principals that allow an economy to flourish and thus a flourishing economy will follow.

How to Restore Freedom and Liberty in America

Freedom and liberty are the keystones of success for our economy and the great American experiment as a whole. Failures are tied to failure to follow our template. Over an eight year period much of my time was spent compiling and writing answers (listed as six principals of correct government outlined in the book the Restoration of our Republic, by Farley Anderson). These concepts were not originating from myself but inspired from Biblical research. For us as a nation there is not a more politically relevant chapter in the entire Bible than the first chapter of Isaiah. This chapter was the original inspiration for writing my book. The central theme is "if we be willing and obedient we shall eat of the good of the land," In one sentence is how I believe we best fix our personal, state and national economy. When we are aware that God's rule is self rule and the rejection of self rule is a rejection of God we view the whole of the American experience in a brighter light. State control, Socialism and all Marxism is a rejection of the principals of self rule. Isaiah outlines four problems from his first chapter. First that we are a nation that has forgotten God, second that our sins are as scarlet (which I associate with Marxism), third that our wine (an analogy for money) is mixed with water (inflated) and turns our silver (constitutional money) into base metals, and forth that our princes (political leaders) are all seeking after gifts and rewards. The wonderful promise from this chapter is that our red sins shall be done away with and that the Lord will restore our judges (leaders called to serve and sit upon the judgment seat) as at the first. This restoration is to precede a return to righteousness. We can seek after righteousness (a society based upon justice and mercy). This is always associated with prosperity.

The Answer

Our state needs freedom and liberty, justice and mercy and Constitutional government operating at the consent of the governed. We face a crises because we have abandoned this path and are continuing down a wrong path at an accelerated speed. Long-term answers will not come from government control, existing mainstream political parties seeking their own agenda, or more "answers" which are the core and root of the problem. If we look up however, things will look up! We are at the end of the rope and we can either climb or free fall to the bottom. We must choose. Just hanging on clearly is not a solution. America has been and still is blessed with abundant courage, heart and intellect and most important a willingness to work.

False Prophets

We have been warned that one of the great challenges of our time is false prophets. I believe many of these false prophets are politicians and other voices that stand before us predicting either a utopian future or complete annihilation based upon incorrect premise and principles. These voices must not be followed if we wish to rebuild our republic.


In short, we can improve the economy by returning to correct principles and eliminating all aspects of government not associated with its proper role. We then need to cut off the sell-off of influence that tempts government to pursue interests other than that of protecting rights and deriving just powers by the consent of the governed. This is my task if elected. Thanks for caring enough to consider an unfunded, unaffiliated candidate. Establishment and money power say there is not a chance, but you don't have to listen.

Thanks for the opportunity to share these ideas on proper government.
