Blog: A Wake Up Call


Date: Aug. 26, 2010

I am a candidate for a seat in the United States House of Representatives in New Jersey's 4th congressional district. My designation on the ballot is American Renaissance Movement (ARM). ARM's program is a response to the rapid decline of our standard of living. The Democratic and Republican parties are responsible for generating and maintaining the problems which are bleeding our country to an economic death, if their policies are not reversed. In our lifetime, there has not been such a crisis regarding loss of jobs, higher taxes and financial debt. Do not be lulled into thinking that our political and economic situation is going to reverse and improve under the present system by inter-changing the established parties in office. The situation will only continue to decline. The United States is being redefined on our watch, in front of our eyes. It is our generation which will witness this historic transformation and will be held accountable for this great disaster. How could we be so foolish as to let our great nation be destroyed? Why do we feel so hopeless and so helpless in changing course for the better?

In the days to follow, up until the Congressional election on November 2, 2010, I will be writing about the social and political reality I am aware of, and hope that you add to the discussion by responding to what I have written. ARM has a 30-plank platform which will be reviewed point by point in this blog. Please read the platform, and access it from the Home page on the web site Of course, the platform could be much bigger. It is not set in stone either. Kindly give input, and criticize. Add planks of your own. Suggest planks that should be removed and why. Express agreement where you can.

The ARM platform is directed at maintaining the sovereignty of the nation, and empowering the middle class. There are two goals: 1) a free and powerful nation. 2) a prosperous and successful middle class. When the middle class is prosperous, the entire society, top to bottom, benefits.

The ARM program calls for the adoption of some new principles. These principles are liberating and necessary, because we have in a very real sense, become enslaved to principles of our present government that are gradually removing our freedoms and making the nation and its citizens debt slaves. The nation and its people can not be made free by legislation generated by the democratic and republican parties. Their programs have been futile to reverse the present trend. The present trend unfortunately is down….down…down…. These political parties have adopted the old limbo dance mantra…, "How low can you go." However, we are not talking about dancing under the limbo stick. We are talking about economic survival, and keeping our head, above water, and above the poverty line.

A key liberating principle which is enshrined in the United States Constitution is that only government can create money and its value. Government, unfortunately, has reneged on this great responsibility and relinquished this power. In 1913 Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and gave the power to create money and its value to private bankers. This foolish legislation by Congress enshrined and emboldened the financial class, and placed the bankers in the position of steering the movement and direction of society, while now possessing an almost divine power of creating money out of nothing and with interest. Said Lord Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the premier head of the world banking families, "Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes the laws." Why should he? He was then in the position to control the law and its law makers. How could Congress give this power away? But they did, and even today, the public is made to think that the Federal Reserve is Federal. It is a private bank with stock holders, and has never been audited. It operates behind closed doors. Its vast profits and monies are hidden from public view and from public oversight. This power rules our nation, and presently moves us towards the waterfall. The Democratic and Republican parties are controlled by this great power. This great power now rules most every nation the world. This great power is the single greatest reason that the United States of America and its people are held captive as if sleep walking, under a spell, in a trance, moving in stupor towards their demise. It's time the finger is snapped. You can wake up now America. It's time to address your legitimate concerns. These powers greatest single threat is an awakened United States of America. Now wake up!
