Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

I am Committed to Reform that Puts Patients First

I am firmly committed to working with all parties to find solutions that provide genuine access to affordable, quality health care for every American. The time has come for reforms that will create a balanced, common sense approach guaranteeing that Americans receive the care they deserve while protecting the sacred doctor-patient relationship. Now is not the time to play politics with health care. I pledge to you that I will continue to reach out to both Republicans and Democrats to achieve what matters most: more affordable, more accessible, more patient-centered health care.

We can do this through a number of methods, but we must especially focus on a new focus on wellness, prevention, and early detection, efforts that are well known to doctors but have been blocked by Washington politicians and bureaucrats. Additionally we must fight the waste, fraud and abuse that is inherent to the current system. Whether it's insurance companies forcing doctors to use more expensive tests or the practice of defensive medicine, which compels doctors to conduct unnecessary tests to ensure that they don't get sued, today's system is full of waste and mismanagement. It is estimated that 30 to 40 cents of every health care dollar is simply covering waste.
Instead of Reform, Democrats are Pushing a Washington Takeover of Health Care

Instead of making these and other patient-centered reforms, some in Congress are advocating for a Washington-centered system that would standardize care by taking decisions about your health out of the hands of you and your doctor and giving them to a committee of bureaucrats and politicians. I believe that nobody in the government should be telling you that you can't get a medication that's going to help prolong your life or that your child can't see their doctor when they are sick; yet in countries where the focus has been taken off of the patient and put onto a "one-size-fits-all" system that takes choices out of the hands of you and your doctor, that is exactly what happens. We must never get to that point.

I don't want Americans forced into the position where they may potentially have to wait weeks for tests and months for treatments they need, if they can get them at all. I cannot stand for a system that would deny us the ability to take care of our families unless we have the approval of Washington. Coastal South Carolina is blessed with some of the best medical facilities and best doctors in the nation, and no government bureaucrat or regulation should stand in the way of you getting that quality care you need, when you need it.
