Fitzpatrick Poised to Reclaim House Seat

Press Release

Date: Aug. 26, 2010
Location: Langhorne, PA
Issues: Elections

New poll shows Fitzpatrick entering fall campaign leading Murphy

A new survey conducted in Pennsylvania's Eighth Congressional District shows former Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick leading incumbent Patrick Murphy, 48% - 41%. Fitzpatrick's seven-point lead over Murphy is outside the poll's margin of error.

According to Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies, which conducted the survey, Fitzpatrick is well positioned to reclaim the House seat he lost to Murphy in 2006 by one of the narrowest margins of any Congressional race in the county that year.

"This poll is further evidence of what I've already found by talking to voters," said Fitzpatrick, "the Murphy-Pelosi agenda is not the agenda of Bucks County. Patrick Murphy supported the massive stimulus bill, special interest bailouts, and a government takeover of healthcare. Meanwhile, more Bucks County residents are out of work and Patrick Murphy has nothing to show for it except a ballooning federal deficit." [ « close it up ]

The poll also demonstrates that voters in the Eighth Congressional District have soured on the Democrat agenda, with 53% of voters disapproving and 41% of voters strongly disapproving of President Obama's job performance and 57% of voters viewing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unfavorably. Congressman Murphy has been a champion and reliable vote for the Obama-Pelosi agenda.

"Election day is quickly approaching. Voters in Pennsylvania and across America are ready for new leadership and I'm ready to help take our country back," said Fitzpatrick.
