Issue Position: Transforming Healthcare in Arizona

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The rising costs of health care adversely affect each one of us through higher taxes or healthcare costs. The ripple effect of the uninsured is felt throughout society.

Healthcare ownership for all Arizonans is possible through important insurance tax and regulation reform & true cost transparency.

* Capping non-economic damages and other tort reforms will provide a better business climate for physicians to choose to practice in Arizona and reduce rampant defensive medicine practices -- hiking medical malpractice costs.
* Maximizing Insurance, Minimizing Third-party payors -- returning financial power to consumers by building on Health Savings Accounts.
* Portability -- Health insurance should not be dependent upon a job or lost when one changes jobs. States need a competitive and viable individual health insurance market.
* Right to Know -- Consumer-driven healthcare systems can only be effective with an abundance of information that is easily available and understood by consumers.
