Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

As our Senator, Steve Pierce will fight to secure the Arizona border and reduce the flow of illegal immigration.

1. Use the Arizona National Guard to Help Secure the Border
Steve Pierce believes we need more manpower on the border to apprehend and deter illegal immigrants. That's why he will work to put the Arizona National Guard on the border. Securing the border is priority number one and Steve Pierce will fight to get it done.

2. Crack Down on Identity Theft and Crime caused by Illegal Immigrants
More and more illegal immigrants are resorting to identity theft to get jobs. Steve Pierce will work to strengthen Arizona identity theft laws, making them tougher on illegal immigrants who steal a citizen's identity for the purpose of gaining employment in Arizona. In addition, Steve Pierce strongly supports the Arizona law that denies bail to illegal immigrants accused of serious crimes. With little or no roots in our communities, arrested illegal immigrants are a major flight risk and should not be allowed back on our streets.

3. No Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
In Mexico, people who are in the country illegally are denied driver's licenses. Period. But in Arizona, some politicians think we should grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Steve Pierce knows that forged driver's licenses are an easy way for lawbreakers to remain in the country illegally. Pierce opposes granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

4. No Taxpayer Benefits for Illegal Immigrants
Steve Pierce strongly supports the Arizona law that denies special benefits to illegal immigrants. But that law won't stop pro-amnesty groups from advocating for special treatment. Given our severe budget crisis, Steve Pierce believes we can't afford to spend our limited tax dollars giving welfare benefits or in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. In the Arizona Senate, Steve Pierce will stand firm against any attempts to spend taxpayer money on benefits for illegal immigrants.

5. Shut down the Underground Economy
Arizona needs to crack down on the illegal underground economy. Steve Pierce supports sanctions for employers found guilty of hiring illegal workers and paying them cash in the underground economy. Employers should be fined if they pay employees in cash but fail to report the hiring, withhold taxes and unemployment, or provide workers compensation.
