Issue Position: Wichita Eagle Questionnaire

Issue Position

1. Why are you running for office?

Like many of you, I have grown tired of the bitter partisan bickering in Washington. Growing up in Wichita, my parents instilled in me basic Kansas values--work hard and play by the rules. These values are lacking today in Congress. I am running because good ideas don't come with a party label. All that matters is whether it's right for Kansas.

2. What experience do you bring to this office?

Kansans deserve independent leadership. In just four years in the Kansas Legislature, I worked to cut $500 million in wasteful government spending and voted for $900 million in tax cuts and tax incentives for Kansas families and businesses. Most importantly, I literally crossed the aisle and stood with Republicans countless times… working to iron out differences and find solutions for Kansans.

3. What specific proposals do you have to bring jobs to Kansas and help grow our state's economy?

It's vital to create jobs that stay here in Kansas. The very first thing I will do in Congress is work to immediately repeal tax cuts for companies that ship jobs overseas. We also must start providing tax breaks and incentives to those who create jobs and manufacturing bases here in Kansas. I would start by encouraging greater investment in alternative energy sources, such as wind, to help us achieve energy independence.

4. How will federal health care legislation affect Kansans?

Last year's health care debate showed exactly what is wrong with Washington. Instead of working together, Democrats and Republicans waged a bitter partisan war. We need bipartisan solutions that improve the bill by reducing costs. Moving forward, this new law will stop insurance company discrimination for pre-existing conditions, allow 56,000 young Kansans to remain on their parent's policies, and 106,000 Kansas seniors will be able to afford prescription drugs by closing the Medicare "donut hole."

5. Should Congress do anything further to help stabilize the economy?

Yes. Congress must first stop spending like it is "only money." It needs to cut wasteful government spending and eliminate unnecessary taxes. Small businesses will fuel our economic recovery. We must empower innovators and entrepreneurs by expanding access to small business loan opportunities and create tax credits for research and development. Congress needs to help US companies and workers compete and win by ending tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas.

6. What should Congress do to address the federal deficit? Please be specific about programs you would cut or other actions you would suggest.

Out-of-control Washington spending has taken a federal budget surplus 10 years ago and turned it into a record deficit. I support tough steps to impose fiscal discipline in Congress such as "pay as you go" budget rules and the work of the bipartisan budget task force created this year.

7. What should Congress do to ensure adequate energy supplies while safeguarding the environment?

We must hold BP accountable by demanding it pay for the disaster it created -- not the American taxpayer. Next, we must create a balanced energy policy. Creating greater incentives for clean sustainable energy will generate jobs in Kansas. Our state must continue to lead in the oil and gas industry and wind energy. We have the manufacturing know-how to turn green energy initiatives into new jobs for Kansans, while working toward energy independence.

8. Should Congress reform immigration laws? If so, what should it do?

We are in an immigration crisis. As a state legislator, I authored the bill that made English the official language of our state and another to eliminate loopholes allowing illegal immigrants to get Kansas driver's licenses. The two immediate steps the Federal government must take are securing our borders and cracking down on employers who break the law by knowingly hiring illegal immigrants.

9. Do you think abortion should be allowed? If so, under what circumstances?

I trust women to make responsible and informed health care decisions. We can work to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies through comprehensive sex education and increased access to health care, including family planning and contraception.

10. How would you specifically work with across party ideology to achieve results on tough issues for the country?

Good ideas don't come with a party label. All that matters is whether it's right for Kansas. One of my proudest moments was when I stood with the Patriot Guard to write the law cracking down on Fred Phelps and his outrageous efforts to dishonor our military heroes by picketing their funerals. We passed this law unanimously and now grieving families are afforded the privacy and respect they deserve.

11. Would you support limiting earmarks? Would you seek earmarks for the state?

Congressional earmarks have gotten out of hand during the past decade and I support comprehensive earmark reform. If federal spending will help stimulate the economy in Kansas, strategically create new jobs or help the fight against crime, I will support it.

12. What is the greatest domestic policy issue facing the United States and how do you think the U.S. should address it?

The greatest issue we face is creating new jobs and re-energizing our economy. We can do this by cutting wasteful government spending, closing tax loopholes that ship our jobs overseas, and creating tax incentives to produce manufacturing jobs in the US. We must embrace innovative policies to help small businesses, urge banks to reopen lending and lines of credit, and crack down on Wall Street's abuses.

13. What is the greatest foreign policy issue facing the United States and how do you think the U.S. should address it?

There are currently more than 200,000 US troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan -- our top priority must be bringing our troops home safely by shifting security operations to the Afghan and Iraqi governments as quickly as possible. Our global intelligence operations must remain ever diligent in combating terrorist networks worldwide, and we must continue to put diplomatic and economic pressure on Iran and other countries that threaten America and our allies.

14. What, if any, reforms do you support for Medicare and Social Security? Do you favor changing any benefit levels?

I oppose recent calls to raise the Social Security retirement age to 70. Further, I will defend recent changes made to Medicare via the health care reform bill. An estimated 106,000 seniors in South Central Kansas benefited from these reforms to Medicare. Until recently, these Kansans were forced to pay the entire cost of their prescription drugs through the Part D "donut hole" - this important Medicare change must be protected.

15. How has federal stimulus funding affected Kansas?

When you consider the first stimulus package under President Bush in 2008, coupled with last year's stimulus under President Obama, the results for Kansas are significant. The Bush/Obama stimulus programs included the following for Kansas: $6.8 million for educational technology grants, $162 million for education-modernization-renovation and Repair, 65,092 individual Pell Grant recipients, and $402 million in infrastructure (highways, transit, etc.) grants. It is estimated these steps saved 33,000 jobs in Kansas.

16. Should job creation be taken into consideration when defense contracts are awarded?

Yes, we should absolutely consider American jobs when dealing with defense contracts.
That's why I support the bill offered by outgoing Congressman Todd Tiahrt that requires the Department of Defense, when evaluating any bid, to take foreign government subsidies into account (example: Airbus). Its aim is to allow US workers and companies to compete fairly for defense contracts, support American industry, and protect our national security interests abroad.

17. What, if anything, should Congress do to improve care for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan?

Congress must ensure veterans receive immediate care of psychological, mental and physical wounds. VA care is lacking sufficient funding, leaving our veterans -- many now returning from their third and fourth combat tours -- without resources to heal. PTSD, depression, and other "invisible wounds" need modernized care regarding recognition, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. I will rely on the Independent Budget recommendations provided annually by the Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) to determine our VA priorities.

18. Should Congress do anything to curb the influence of lobbyists? If so, what?

As a state legislator, my number one loyalty has always been to the voters who elected me. That's why, from day one, I have refused all personal gifts and meals from lobbyists. It's also why I have never missed a single vote and voluntarily cut my own legislative pay in these tough financial times. I will continue to hold myself to this standard when I am elected to Congress.

19. Please state, in detail, your position on open records, open meetings and openness and transparency in government.

The government belongs to the people and should always be open and accessible to citizens. I strongly support all efforts to make government more visible to those it serves. I have voted in favor of every bill that has increased transparency and have worked hard to strengthen our campaign finance and lobbyist disclosure laws.
