Ohioans Kept on Payroll Because of Transportation Projects

Press Release

Date: Aug. 5, 2010
Location: Columbus, OH
Issues: Transportation

U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15) and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood today held a roundtable with Ohio transportation contractors who have been able to retain and create new jobs because of transportation and infrastructure investments made through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. Representatives from George J. Igel & Co., Prus Construction, the Ohio Contractors Association and Ohio CAT were in attendance to discuss the improvements they've been able to make in the state's infrastructure and the workforce they have been able to maintain directly because of the recovery act.

"This summer we have been able to make significant improvements in our roads, highways, and bridges because of recovery act investments. These projects are not only helping to make our communities safer and more travel friendly, they are creating more jobs and attracting new businesses to our area," said Kilroy. "I was pleased to hear such great news today from our local contractors that recovery investments have helped their businesses stay afloat and enabled them to hire more workers."

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood also acknowledged the recovery act's accomplishments following today's roundtable noting, "Across America, there are people at work and companies still in business today because of transportation projects funded by the recovery act. I appreciated the opportunity to meet with Representative Kilroy and members of the construction industry in Ohio to talk about the recovery act and other important issues they face."

The recovery act has invested more than $1.1 billion in Ohio road, bridge, transit, and aviation projects. $32,466,506 in recovery money has been allocated to transportation projects in Kilroy's 15th District, including the River South Revitalization and Parsons and Livingston Avenue Improvement Projects. Contractors noted that thousands of jobs have been sustained or created in Ohio's transportation sector as a result of the Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
