In the Eye of the Beholder

Date: July 7, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER -- (House of Representatives - July 07, 2004)

(Mr. McDERMOTT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. McDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, the last speaker wonders why the rest of the world does not want any more of George Bush. If he would travel outside of his district, he would find out they say it everywhere you go.

I was just in India. This administration's economic policy can best be summed up in the word, "Oops." They like to swagger about how tax cuts for the rich have propelled the U.S. economy to staggering new heights. Staggering is the right word to describe the U.S. economy and what this administration has done to it.

Job creation is nowhere near, not even close to what America needs just to make up for the jobs lost during this administration. The administration can pretend all it wants, but people know that long-term unemployment is the highest in 20 years, few new jobs have been created, the few that have been pay less than the ones they replaced. Health care is crushing family budgets and forcing too many Americans to choose between medicine and food.

Americans know a staggering economy is the mark of an administration that has overstayed its welcome and does not deserve a second chance.

November 2 is exactly 118 days away. Please, Mr. Speaker, let the President know so he can prepare to move out.
